About Us

Quarterflash Pty Ltd is the Australasian Distributor of Wolf Eyes Tactical LED Torches. Quarterflash trades as 'wolfeyes.com.au'. Quarterflash is a Premier Partner for Pulsar Themal and Night Vision, we also supply Infiray Thermal equipment.
Any description of a company written by themselves or their PR firm invariably tries to paint themselves in the best possible light, as commercial propaganda. We would just like to say we are honoured and humbled to be able to supply to the brave men and women who protect and serve, both within Australia and outside our borders. We have been fortunate to supply every Police Force within Australia, many, many law enforcement agencies, Federal departments such as Customs & Border Protection, Defence and even agencies who can’t be named. On top of the departmental business we also supply many of the individuals who serve in these organisations individually. Many are not aware but there are only two Police forces in Australia who supply every operational officer with a torch. One supplies their officers with a single AA battery torch of modest size and capabilities, the other supplies a Wolf Eyes Tactical LED Torch - the S II Pro.
As well as the above business we are pleased to serve our beloved rural and hunting clients. A regular at all the SSAA Shows and Field Days around Australia, we do our best to support these clients wherever they are and whatever their needs. We love rural Australia!
We enjoy working with our industrial clients which range from Australia’s largest mining companies, through electricity supply companies, Councils to your local electrician or plumber.
Of course we love seeing someone happy buying a great torch “just in case” or to walk the dog!
Whether you are looking for one torch for your farm, or 500 for your organisation, whether you understand Nanometers or not (light wavelength is measured in Nm) we like to think everyone in our company will do their best to ensure you get the right torch for your job. If you need expert advice or a custom torches or solution we are happy to help.
We supplied Pulsar night vision before they made thermals, then supplied the first Pulsar thermals made. We have probably supplied more Quantums, Apexs, etc than anyone still supplying Pulsar - mainly because there aren't many left who were in the business then! Most dealers just don't have the background with Pulsar or have see the evelotion of each series from the early Quantums and Apexs, through the Quantum light, Trails and Accolades and all the different series to where we are today with Telos, Merger, Thermion2 and HD products. Pulsar, in typical European fashin, build upon each series. Understanding the previous is always helpful in understanding the function of the present thermals. We also have a firm understanding of um and mK - but still understand the importance of friendly service and great backup.
We are located in Sydney, Australia and service Australia wide. We are contactable during working hours on 1300 911 007 and have a 24 hour answering service after hours.